Nevada Prep Star Status Update

Dear parents,

I am writing this letter to inform you that our K-8 campus has dropped from 3 stars to 1 star. The 3-star rating was from the 2022-2023 school year. The 1-star rating is based off of the 2023-2024 school year.

Last year when we arrived, the majority of the staff had resigned and we as a leadership team were not able to hire our own staff. Thus, the quality of teaching in our building was not up to our standards of excellence.

Fortunately, this year, we were able to dismiss teachers from last year that did not perform, and we hired experienced teachers that we believe in. Last year we had a combined experience level of 120 years across the staff. This year we have quadrupled this, our experience level is over 400 years of teaching.

In addition, we had to lay off teaching staff last year due to financial mismanagement in the previous years before we arrived. Thus, we had several rooms with inexperience substitute teachers. Mr. Haynal has expertly managed the financial situation, and thus, we are on the fast track to being in a wonderful place financially. In fact, he was praised by the charter authority for his ability to recover from the past financial malfeasance. Incredible teaching is taking place in all classrooms on our campus this year!

We are certain that we will recover to at least a 3-star status if not a 4-star status based on the quality of teaching in classrooms this year. We thank all of you for staying with us through the transition to the new leadership team. It feels like a different school from when we arrived. This is absolutely due to the support of the wonderful parents that trust us every day to educate their amazing children. In addition, Mr. McAlpine and Mr. Rosser have worked hard to ensure that our school is a safe place for all students, significantly decreasing the fighting and bullying that was pervasive across campus before we arrived. We are a no-fight campus, and we are proud of this.

That being said, we are required by NRS 388A.367 to provide you with a list of other schools in the area that your student may transfer to based on this notification. We are happy to assist you in the process of relocating to a new school, if you so wish.

Equipo Academy                            Futuro Academy                             Mater Academy

As a school, we are implementing an improvement process to ensure that our results increase, and we would like to invite you to help provide us with feedback on this process. There will be a public forum/meeting at Nevada Prep on October 15th at 5:30 pm. All are welcome to attend. If you have any questions or would like to suggest improvements before this meeting, please see the contact information on the website and feel free to click on the Improvement Survey link.

Thank you for your time and attention,

Mr. McAlpine                                                    Fred Rosser

Academic Director NVPrep                       Site Director NV Prep

[email protected]                                              [email protected]